ADR (Automatic Driver Recognition) for Volkswagen Transporter T5 and T6

ADR (Automatic Driver Recognition)

ADR (Automatic Driver Recognition) The driver card is a discreet pocket-sized card that you carry with you whenever you drive your vehicle. On disarming the 4615 Alarm in your vehicle the Alarm will look for Your DRIVER CARD. If the card isn't detected, your T5 or T6 will remain immobilized, therefore the engine will not start, we can also set the alarm to go off after 30s from unlocking the vehicle.  This means that even if your vehicle key is stolen or cloned, your van will not start.

And to explain what is all about in our language ;), so  WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOUR KEY GETS STOLEN OR CLONED....

Most of the can-bus alarms work with OEM VW/audi remotes.

It's that great!?

Cobra alarm does it too... Press the lock button to lock and arm the alarm and press the unlock button to DISARM... Fantastic... Simple... Isn't it?

BUT! What would happen if your key gets cloned or stolen?

Simple... Can you remember? Press the unlock button and....your van is gone... Not so grate isn't it?

This is why we advise out customers to take Personal Driver cards with every Cobra alarm we fit.


Well, every time you unlock your van, the alarm will disarm as normal, then it will look for your PERSONAL DRIVER CARD, if you don't have it with you, your van will remain immobilised and will not start

Logically you shouldn't keep the driver card with your keys but instead keep it in your wallet for example so it's always with you.

If you lose your card... There is a personal PIN CODE that will overwrite the card. You won't be left stranded 

Price Supply and Fit
  • Personal Driver Card- £50 + VAT each
  • Please note, above price is for card only, to get it all working, you need our 4615 Can bus alarm fitted.

To arrange an installation please click on the contact us button and follow the instructions

You are welcome to stay in our waiting area, where we have free Wi-Fi connectivity, Smart TV , range of magazines, workshop viewing area and hot drinks.

Installation takes approximately 3-4h

Gallery VW T5.1 and T6 Cobra ARD- Personal Driver Card for 4615 Can Bus Alarm